TSC Talks and Cannabinoid Medicine: Celebrating 100 Podcasts

Today we feature a very special individual and a celebration of epic proportion. Jill Woodworth is the co-owner and producer/host for TSC Talks, LLC – and she’s a person that’s become a close friend as well as a collaborative associate in a cannabinoid medicine endeavor. Working with the crew, including Lisa Larson who’s the editor […]

Cannabis Prohibition Essential But Special Education Isn’t During Pandemic

Federal laws specifically created to preserve the civil rights of America’s most vulnerable citizens sidelined but the plant they need researched remains prohibited: Parents around America are experiencing quite a bit of anxiety as they attempt to work from home, adjust schedules, and handle their kids being off of school with no place to go […]

Anne Mari and Cannabis Protocols: “I Can’t Risk Genevieve Getting Sick”

Parents around the globe with kids using cannabinoid medicine are adjusting their protocols to help with sleep, anxiety, lack of educational schedule, and so much more: “What it’s been like for the past two weeks not knowing when Genevieve’s education will resume has obviously been very challenging, I have felt immense pressure, unlike any other […]

Fighting Ordered Isolation With Cannabiniods: Coronavirus Scare Hits Our Home

I’ve been ordered into Forced Isolation. The fear is real, the scare is deep within, and it’s Cannabis and Hemp to the rescue to calm the anxiety, depression, and kill viruses: Only days ago I reached out to multiple professionals I know in the Cannabis Industry. Not caring about Intellectual property, formulation ownership, profits, or […]

F.D.A. Acknowledges “CBD Data Limited” Today – Although Pharmaceutical Approved Over One Year Ago

In a startling announcement in their ongoing attempt to regulate the CBD Industry, the Federal entity charged with the task continues to show a lack of knowledge regarding the cannabinoid extract that most believed they had firm knowledge on after hearings and decades of research. “Thus, limited systematic data exist to inform our approach,” The […]

Drug Interactions: Doctors Are Unaware And CBD Companies Can’t Give Advice

Dear Mike: My son uses CBD, he has been prescribed Omeprazole and he’s been dizzy, tired, sick, pale, and yellow. Nobody can tell us what the problem is. The CBD company said they can’t answer and the doctor told us there are no interactions. Can you help? Unfortunately, federal law prohibits CBD companies from giving […]

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