F.D.A. Acknowledges “CBD Data Limited” Today – Although Pharmaceutical Approved Over One Year Ago

In a startling announcement in their ongoing attempt to regulate the CBD Industry, the Federal entity charged with the task continues to show a lack of knowledge regarding the cannabinoid extract that most believed they had firm knowledge on after hearings and decades of research. “Thus, limited systematic data exist to inform our approach,” The […]

CBD Professional: “I’m Having Bad Interactions With Kidney Transplant Rejection Medication”

A Cannabis Professional reached out with serious issues with a recent kidney transplant, doctors failed to warn her of this although they knew she used CBD: Time and time again we report on CBD: Drug interactions – how pharmaceuticals simply don’t get along with this cannabinoid and doses of either the extract or the prescribed […]

Cannabis Vs. Pharmaceuticals For Autism and Epilepsy – How Pharma Drugs Cause Seizures

Many have followed the incredible cannabis recovery of our daughter Genevieve who has severe Autism and Epilepsy. One element many don’t know about is her condition was worsened dramatically by drugs that caused seizures – ADHD medications. When first meeting Genevieve she was having severe side effects that caused hospitalization. Her mom called frantically needing help, we’d […]

Drug Interactions: Doctors Are Unaware And CBD Companies Can’t Give Advice

Dear Mike: My son uses CBD, he has been prescribed Omeprazole and he’s been dizzy, tired, sick, pale, and yellow. Nobody can tell us what the problem is. The CBD company said they can’t answer and the doctor told us there are no interactions. Can you help? Unfortunately, federal law prohibits CBD companies from giving […]

Jessica: Fighting Postpartum Depression And Pain With CBD Oil

A mother tells her story of survival from pharmaceutical overload and so much more: Every day more people learn about the awesome medicinal values of plant-based medicines – especially the cannabis plant. Jessica Anderson is a 40 yr. old mommy from Erie, Pennsylvania who’s been through a decade-long wellness journey. Her fight to regain health […]

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