Kids Treated With Whole Plant Cannabis Had 86% Fewer Seizures in UK Study

An article appearing in Sci-Tech Daily yesterday gained global attention in regards to how whole-plant cannabis extracts stop seizures in kids. The practice of using cannabinoid medicine has caught on around the world as this study was done in the UK and although only on 10 participants, it’s confirming what other research and our own […]

“I Love My Brother” The Cannabis Awakening: Josiah’s Seizures Have Diminished

What happens after a child has suddenly escaped a life of severe seizures that delay development is incredible – It’s an “Awakening”: One of the most incredible aspects of working with compassion patients, parents in need of help, and all that inquire about the use of cannabinoid medicine is what happens when it works on […]

Mike Robinson: “I Was An Opioid Addict, Cannabis Changed That”

Recently I had an addiction medicine specialist who’s investigating the use of cannabis in recovery ask me about my own experience, and he wanted it in writing. Here’s my response:  “I’m a cannabinoid medicine patient, researcher, and very outspoken activist that speaks at a lot of events. I’ve fought off multiple health issues with cannabis […]

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