“Mike, Why Does CBGa Crumble Make Me Feel So Good?”

The number of times this question is asked daily has grown remarkably since the passage of the Farm Bill that allowed Industrial Hemp to become a mainstay in American Agriculture once again. The use of CBGa, specifically as we’ll discuss here as an inhaled plant constituent, is definitely something newer. It’s a minor cannabinoid that […]

Let’s Ask Mike Robinson: CBG for Inflammation, does it Really Work?

Though CBG is known as a minor cannabinoid, it packs major benefits, specifically, treating inflammation By: Veronica Castillo, Cannabis Content Writer As more studies and information emerge, there is a trend of CBG use for inflammation. CBG (Cannabigerol), is known as the mother of all cannabinoids because it is needed for THC to exist. THC starts as CBG […]

Mike Robinson: “Cannabis Philanthropy Is The New Compassion”

PR: Santa Barbara 7/2020: Compassion Provider Turns Ganjapraneur To Fund Giving Mike Robinson, Founder of the Global Cannabinoid Research Center and pioneer of Compassion Care, launched the biggest giveaway in alternative medicine. His “1 Million milligrams of compassion care”, expanded to 10 Million milligrams, and has now targeted 100 Million milligrams! Yet Mike is wondering […]

The Cannabis Kids: Tiny Icons

There are numerous reasons why the prohibition of cannabis is a colossal catastrophe:  thousands killed fighting over black market profits, millions arrested decimating our minority communities and billions in agribusiness lost because our farmers can’t grow hemp.  Sadly, these tragic circumstances seem to fall on deaf ears as far as the public and our policymakers […]

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