1. Every day, do something to make a difference.
2. Express your concerns.
3. Don’t accept what isn’t acceptable.
4. Pray to know you must do your part.
5. Expect excellence.
6. Be accountable.
7. Don’t run if walking is better.
8. Carry love in your heart.
9. Discard bad feelings with action.
10. Believe you can do anything you can imagine.
11. Take care of your body.
12. Nourish your soul.
13. Be aware of your surroundings.
14. Protect nature.
15. Put your environment before financial gain.
16. Strive for understanding.
17. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
18. Show love.
19. Be generous with hugs.
20. Every time it crosses your mind, say “I love you.”
21. Plant seeds every season.
22. Know that you are a part of your children and grandchildren.
23. Know that what you say makes a huge difference.
24. Try to understand those who don’t understand you.
25. Show respect for others’ feelings.
26. Realize that God didn’t single you out to be “blessed.”
27. Never forget, we were all came into the world the same way.
28. We don’t all have the same opportunities.
29. Some of us were bestowed with more ambition than others.
30. Some of us have natural talents.
31. Some of us are more naturally beautiful.
32. We can all learn from each other.
33. For every kindness we show, we receive.
34. No one human is better than another.
35. When death comes, our journey on earth is complete.
36. The good deeds and love we leave keep growing in others.
37. We can’t live without clean water.
38. We can’t breathe with poisoned air.
39. We must protect our environment.
40. Children are influenced by their caregivers.
41. Your love and kindness will flow to the generations to come.
42. Don’t be afraid to embrace adversity.
43. Be brave and resolute.
44. Confront wrong without hesitation.
45. Stand firm for what is right.
46. Knowledge is powerful.
47. The truth always has a path to success.
48. Listen to everyone – not just those who agree with you.
49. Fame is about love – not power.
50. Rush toward good – halt at wrong.
51. Be kind to those in need.
52. Jesus’s lessons for life are good.
53. Religious prejudices are wrong.
54. Appreciate natural beauty as we age.
55. Don’t try to always look like a younger man or woman.
56. We earn our age markers.
57. Natural is better.
58. Just cut back on what you eat.
59. Don’t go on one drastic diet after another.
60. Find ways to relax that bring you peace.
61. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
62. Treat the helpless with love and respect.
63. Know that you don’t take anything with you.
64. Your actions in life are what is left.
65. Love your children with all your being.
66. Know you leave them with all the love possible.
67. Know that you can influence others.
68. Realize that you can hurt others.
69. What you do and say, counts.
70. Be content with all you can do.
71. Organize your photos so the family will enjoy them.
72. Always share good memories.
73. Talk about what bothers you.
74. If you can, do something about what bothers you.
75. Do at least five things every day that you really enjoy doing.
76. Stay informed.
77. Stay involved.

I thought this was just too awesome and had to share!  It’s a reprint of Gerry Batte Russell’s Sept 28th Message to the World “My Birthday came and went and I didn’t post my annual message…” was the social media post that caught my eye. I hope you enjoyed her thoughts as much as I did.

Mike Robinson, Medicinal Cannabis Patient




@NaturallyAwaken – Twitter


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