Beating Melanoma with Cannabis With A Smile

Jackie Was Fighting Cancer She had Everything To Lose, Including her life. Cannabis Saved Her.

Hi, I’m Jackie “I’m 56 diagnosed with aggressive Melanoma one year ago with removal of lymph nodes” She went on to tell me about surgery, “They operated and I was still stage three one year later.” Jackie explained, “I had a large 8mm ulcerated melanoma 4mm is considered large. I had it removed and had another surgery to extract swollen lymph nodes – three out of nine were positive for cancer and I was told I couldn’t have treatment because of autoimmune disease so I took to social media and found FECO Cannabis Oil  and did a three-month treatment – I’m in Remission!” Gaining access wasn’t the easiest thing for Jackie but she pulled it off. “I’m NED,  I’ve changed my diet and now all I need is small 2 gram a week maintenance doses of THC Cannabis Oil” (smaller doses that should be taken for balance of life).  Yet another patient hasn’t had it quite that simple.

“I’ve tried to get oil from so many places but they want 500.00 for only 10 days worth,” tells John Schumaker of Portland who also has aggressive Melanoma, “I can’t understand why it costs so much. 50.00 a gram is way out of my league.”  John came to me and asked what to do. I referred him to a very well-known man on social media – Juston Purcell. Through his compassion program, John was able to beat the rapidly moving Melanoma that Jackie had also beat up with the use of Cannabis Oil. Our government holds patent #6630507 for the use of Cannabis as Medicine, yet continues to list it as having no medicinal value under Schedule One of the 1970 Controlled Substances Act.  Despite the ongoing controversial sales of patents to overseas pharmaceutical companies and the attempts to gain FDA approval by one for a CBD product – the U.S. Government is still, 3 decades after the introduction of Marinol, fumbling the cannabis ball left and right. The only thing they seem to be able to hold onto is prohibition. 

The fact is there’s been so many attempts to end prohibition one would need to now write a book on this subject to adequately cover them. Sure there’s the ongoing social media outcry and the never ending state capital and local municipality protest – but do they change much?  Not quickly, that’s for sure. Many wonder if the Trump Administration will reek havoc on the cannabis industry as it takes over the United States  – but it seems they’re too busy staging for war and tweeting nonsense to get in the way. One thing is for sure, nothing is stopping one ambitious lawmakers from pushing Congress to legalize the leaf nationwide.

For now it’s a waiting game for those with Cancer and so much more. But like we see all over – many people, regardless of rules or laws, will not wait to save their lives. We’re watching a movement much larger than that of any other before. The Cannabis legalization and safe access movement reaches out to every single nationality, every single gender preference, and every type of hair, body, skin, and fingernail color for that matter.  There is no immunity for our government officials globally from the masses that will not wait much longer for 3 simple words to occur.

Free The Tree. 

Mike Robinson, Medicinal Cannabis Patient and Director of Communications, The American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine

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