Crystal’s Plea To End Prohibition: Cannabis And Hemiplegic Migraines

“I ask that you recognize our God-given right to cultivate our medicine”

Like many individuals that have found life returned to them with the use of cannabinoid medicine, Crystal Beattie has a message. Her story is an incredible journey to freedom – fighting her way through the horrors of dependence on various pharmaceuticals as well as a health condition that causes a type of seizure that many are very unaware of that also sends non-stop jolts of pain to the brain. Most people are very aware of the fact that prescription drugs are a temporary patch that leads to an infection of sorts – it’s called addiction. What’s more concerning is the damage done to our bodies when taking prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs as well. We simply don’t have receptor systems to process the chemicals that we’re often prescribed – but we do have an entire Endocannabinoid System that loves to be fed by exogenous cannabinoids – meaning those that come from the plant. The big problems are that most patients can’t gain access, can’t afford the continual climbing costs of cannabis products at dispensaries, or simply are unable to even grow the plant due to outdated state and federal laws that impede on the right to medicate with a plant that was a staple to our founding fathers.  George Washington grew hemp and encouraged all citizens to sow hemp widely. Thomas Jefferson bred multiple hemp varieties and invented a special brake for crushing the plant’s stems during fiber processing.  Most are aware prohibition was a corrupt act that stole patients’ rights back in 1937, today Crystal is asking the country to look back at our roots and make changes. Let’s hear her plea;

“My name is Crystal Beattie, maiden name Adams. I grew up in Charleston, SC. In 2009 I got sick and became debilitated by Chronic Migraine. As a result, I had no choice but to step down from my Military Reserve Career, as well as my Civilian Career. In 2011 I was deemed disabled and granted Social Security Disability. Not exactly what I had planned. Come April of 2015, I was seen at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN where I was diagnosed with Hemiplegic Migraine. Hemiplegic migraines are like having a migraine along with seizure and stroke symptoms all occurring at the same time. In severe cases, and I am a severe case, Hemiplegic Migraine can be fatal.”

“I spent 4 years in bed because I just got worse and the pharmaceuticals weren’t helping. They were only attributed to me being debilitated in bed, gaining weight, feeling weak all the time, and getting sicker. I was dying, slowly. I spent those four years dying in Charleston, SC. In August of 2017, my family moved me to Colorado Springs, CO where Medical Cannabis is legal. Since I have detoxed from all the pharmaceuticals that the Medical University of SC and the Mayo Clinic prescribed me. I am now treating my condition with Cannabis and I am far from being bedridden.”

“I got my life back and I am living in Colorado, but I want more! I want my Constitutional right to cultivate and process my own medicine so that I am guaranteed the quality of life I deserve so I can continue healing. I’m hopeful that with continued access I may become a productive citizen in our society again. I lost my ability to fight next to my Veteran brothers and sisters in service. I am now invoking my right to fight for them in the country.”

“I ask that you recognize our God given right to cultivate our medicine with the cannabis plant that God gave us. I ask that you recognize and support the Constitution. I ask that you end the prohibition and industrialization of the medicine that is saving my life. I need access to quality medicine to continue my healing and the Industry is destroying it. I ask that you recognize patient rights. Once again, I ask that you recognize and support our Constitution.”

If you’d like to contact Crystal for speaking engagements or to let her try out your product (she’s a good spokesperson) – send her a message on Facebook!

Wow! Now that was a powerful testimony coming from someone who’s had to move to a different state in order to medicate legally with a plant that’s being turned into pharmaceutical drugs as I type. Our nation is protecting Big Pharma’s interests while allowing its own citizens to suffer – including those that have given their time, energy, and lives to serve our nations in the armed forces. As both of our borders relinquished prohibition, America has continued to not be too beautiful in the way it’s treating its citizens with such blatant and bold untruths. Continually we watch as politicians use the cannabis plant as a platform to gain votes instead of allowing the reality of prohibition to be absorbed by our nation’s leaders as the lie it always has been. We don’t need an apology and we don’t need federal legalization. What’s necessary is for those in Washington DC to hear Crystal’s plea.

-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy

Cannabis Love Story
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