Vicky Anderson: Fighting Pain With Cannabis

The Story Behind The Face We Know, The Assistant Director of The National Cannabis Patients Wall:

When I ran across the National Cannabis Patients Wall (NCPW) back in early 2014 it was in its infancy. A team of very caring, loving, and dedicated individuals created a home for all of us. A place upon a wall where our name as a Cannabis Patient would go, where we’d be remembered. Vicky shared with me how her family was the first in her state, I remember being number 8 in California back then. Through all this time of watching all the work, Vicky and the awesome staff at the NCPW does, I never knew she was silently suffering from severe chronic pain – something I and millions of others relate to as we deal with it daily trying to avoid the numerous chemical solutions doctors has – and instead opting for the Cannabis plant in various forms. Vicky tells her own story very well, but first, let’s get some information on how you can get your name on the wall if you haven’t done so yet – they even have a wall for international patients. Below there are several websites so you can join and follow the NCPW. In the future, we’ll go specifically over the Wall and its various websites and projects.

Vicky, like many chronic pain patients, made the decision to do whatever it takes to use Cannabis as her medicine vs. being fully controlled by dangerous pharmaceuticals. She tells a powerful story of how the healing plant has helped tremendously in her suffering and how she and her husband made the bold move to leave their home in search of legal nature. During the time in which she’s sought treatment for herself when she could, countless hours have gone into continual activism for legalization and safe access to the Cannabis plant for all.

Her Story:

“My name is Vicky Anderson and I am the Assistant Director of the National Cannabis Patients Wall. I have suffered all of my adult life from chronic pain caused by Severe bone degeneration. I was run over by my uncle when I was about a year old and was playing in the yard. The damage started arthritis early and my left leg ended up almost 2 inches shorter than the right one. This caused a lot of wear and tear over my lifetime and this degeneration has progressed to the point that my left leg will not carry the weight forcing me to use a wheelchair and walker for the past 4 years. Surgery will not help and opiates are not effective so my husband, Jim Anderson, and I left Idaho and gave up about half of our belongings so we can have legal access to cannabis in California.”

Vicky pictured here in an interview with”Radical” Russ Belville” host of The Russ Belville Show on

“Jim had a failed back surgery after a work-related accident and ended up with nerve damage and drop foot. This has made Jim a chronic pain patient for about 15 years. We are both listed on the Patients Wall. 

We want to be able to grow our own medicine so we relocated, but the cost of living in California makes that very difficult. We share our stories in honor of all those that have been forced into this situation and made the choice to become a medical cannabis refugee in hopes of healing and living a healthier life. 


Why do so many have to make this sacrifice? Why must we have to choose to leave our homes and the lives that we have built? For me, the real question is why doesn’t this government deal with cannabis in a reasonable way. Federal change granting all patients true legal access only makes sense to anyone with sense.” 

(The National Cannabis Patients Wall Team has initiated a lawsuit against the federal government over prohibition – As you can see Vicky was/is very involved in that. I’ll give an update on that when we do a story on the NCPW itself)

The work for a true activist is never-ending. The team below made history in initiating the action against the US Gov’t for denying access via the prohibition.

Her story continues… “I have been fighting to legalize medical cannabis in the state of Idaho for the past 4 years and for The National Cannabis Patients Wall for 3 years and will continue the fight for change via social media and personal action, but will now do it from California as long as I can afford the rent. When I got involved with the petition for Idaho I found the support group, “The National Cannabis Patients Wall” online and joined. I was the first Idaho patient and added all of my family members that I could right away. It just grew from there. Dana M. Arvidson, the founder and executive director of the NCPW needed a graphic and I volunteered and from then on I volunteered for anything I could help with.”

Wow, what a condensed story of survival and giving. Despite her own pain and that of her husbands, these two have traveled across the nation in hopes to gain help not just for themselves – but for others. Vicky, while traveling and hoping to find home again, actually asked me how much she needed to donate to a compassion program to try some Cannabis Oil. She’s right here in the Golden State just hoping that life will be better in California. I’m asking EVERYONE in the state that grows or has access to Cannabis Materials or Oil to contact me as soon as possible so we can help a person that’s helped all of us. I’ve got together with her and supplied seeds, following what Tim Fratto of Healing of the Nation recently said to me, “The ultimate form of advocacy is teaching people to grow. We can teach people dependence on suppliers or we can teach them to grow out of that dependency.” The Cannabis Community is about Love to me – it’s about giving and caring about people. Being involved with the Prop. 215 crowd as of recent in the writing of the “Peron Resolution” has shown me the very heart of Cannabis Compassion.  Who else would like to show some love here – I believe Vicky Anderson has ‘donated’ more than enough of her time and love. Can we donate some back? I look forward to being contacted by dozens because I know the love exists and will never leave. “The Hippies were right” – End Prohibition Now.

Mike Robinson, Medicinal Cannabis Patient

(Mike’s Dream – The Cannabis Hemp with extremely low THC and very high CBD & Terpenes, qualifying as Industrial Hemp. It’s the Future – Hemp buds!)

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