Jacob Wiggins: A CBD Superstar Talks

Jacob Wiggins: Lobbying For Peace & Freedom -

One Of The Leading Voices In The Texas Canna Movement While Continuing To Advocate For Those With Epilepsy:

Anyone that’s spent any amount of time on Facebook in the Cannabis movement or in Epilepsy Awareness or support knows of Jacob Wiggins – or they should. I call him the Peace Pipe of Social Media because he’s always chilling everyone out when people get uptight. You can always count on Jacob to tell a little joke about his job doling out the last legal drug – alcohol!

He works in a warehouse where he brings home the bacon for his newlywed wife. One thing for sure – we can always count on Jacob to shock us with his awesome photos like the one below. He seems to catch the very essence of our entire movement to legalize cannabis globally so people do not have to be under the influence of doctors who dole out deadly and very addictive drugs.

Sadly with epilepsy, we are given very dangerous drugs with full knowledge they will not work! Indeed, our problem on this globe is not illicit drugs – the war on drugs is only a delusion as the true victims of the drug war are little kids to the elderly who succumb to the side effects of prescription drugs. Something that Jacob talks out about daily.

 Those of us that have to take them, whether it’s for Epilepsy or anything else, all are aware of that dangerous white-jacketed doctor who seems to know what’s right for us scribbling away at the Rx pad.  In the photo below he’s also making a statement about SUDEP (Sudden Unexplained Death In Epilepsy Patients) which kills 50,000 + in America annually.

“When I was 6 or 7 I was watching TV at my parents in the living room while my mom was cooking dinner and all of a sudden I felt extremely light-headed with a kind of rising feeling all through my body. It was the same feeling I have experienced with the many dealings with epilepsy since my diagnosis at the age of 19. I made it to the kitchen and then my vision went blurry, felt my stomach rising then I believe I just fainted but woke back up a little fuzzy-minded. My parents took me to the ER because of the scare and also due to my mom having a seizure when she was 4 and was put on phenobarbital for around a year. Though not being diagnosed with epilepsy because of just the one seizure the doctors and my grandparents still thought it was the best idea to put her on this drug. She got off the drug around 5 or 6 and hasn’t had a seizure since. During my time at the ER when I had this incident my parents played it smart, I think by gathering info and turning down the prescription drugs offered. Go to where I was 19, being ready to have more personal freedoms, I moved out of my parent’s house to an apartment with friends and things just got worse.”


Jacob Wiggins is a very well-known activist and advocate.  Both a valued friend to all with Epilepsy and a leading voice in his state in regards to Cannabis legalization,  he makes sure he’s heard with a very peaceful positive vibe flowing. Jacob is all about spreading love.  Over the years,  more like a decade, since we’ve been friends online we’ve had our disagreements. Many know I’m opinionated and have no problem letting people know what’s on my mind. Some don’t like that but others love it. Jacob has always been one to show that brotherly love regardless of how intense the situation gets, he’s always the one with the peaceful flowing soul breathing fresh air into our world. It’s very interesting to know how he got Epilepsy but he’s just too interesting to stop there – I decided to interview him….  let’s see what he had to say!

1.) What advice would you give to people that are waiting to try cannabis as medicine?

“I give big advice to those who are interested and those in need of trying cannabis. Talk to those trustworthy around who use and do not use cannabis, grabbing their intentions or interests of use by seeing them actually moving closer wanting to listen to unfiltered information. More are out there wanting and waiting to listen including big systems in our life. Listen to most who know more about cannabis so maximum use with this plant can happen as soon as possible.”

Jacob and his new bride Jess showing their green support with a laugh!
Jacob and his new bride Jess showing their green support with a laugh!

2.) If you could, would you grow your own Cannabis and make your own oils now?

“We wonder “would we make cannabis treatments for me?” The answer is always yes though costs and getting quality cannabis to use are always our biggest problems. Growing smaller plants for minor uses would be very engaging in the process with the plant and user. Seeing the growth of medicine from the makings of your own hands can make unity with one’s life.”

3.) How do you feel about your state stalling?  And about our government creating prohibition in the first place?

Epilepsy in today’s world is so hard to understand and treat largely due to the lack of acknowledgment from all areas and the willingness to keep good people alive. The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott has put his foot down on the issues of not being able to use known safer applications for productive use. Gov. Abbott has and will make the 2015 Texas passed low THC law move as slow as possible due to his ties to simply; corruption, intolerance, and greed. 
Texas helped create the prohibition of cannabis mainly due to not knowing and caring how to handle racial tensions and intense immigration issues. Now is the day Texas needs to turn this ship around to open gates and help lead the USA once again. Helping the common man survive in all life with peace and prosperity is our government’s daily active duty.

4.) What do you do as an activist? 

Doing what can be done by myself is what I do to make the use of life to heal and provide for the life around me.
Epilepsy and not being able to drive puts little dents in the ways of advocating but power is still in the voice by the opening of thoughts being answered. Voice can be put in most incidences of life and is there for that purpose. I mail, call and talk with people there to listen and sometimes comment on what is or can happen for me sooner to help control my epilepsy. Epilepsy is easy for me to pop in conversations a lot of the time due to limitations, limitations that put questions in my mind.
After finding the power to advocate better for myself and others I was able to do important things like this and more.

5.) How did your wife feel about marrying someone with Epilepsy?

“Me being very lucky with having a person that is willing to marry someone with seizures was a life changer. With being together and in love for over 6 years we finally got the courage to get married and share and release the power of love upon everyone possible.”
“The sense of instant connection came on strong, though the seizures were and still are hard to handle, though natural love between us pushes me to keep strength and positivity within our relationship.”-Jacob
“When seizures hit my heart jumps into my throat then courage hits putting me back into focus.”-Jess 
“The Love that I have for my wife is some of the bravest and the most strengthful. People in tune with each other is where extreme happiness and devoted love can be seen by many.”

6.) Were you or her aware that previous to the 80’s most states, including yours, a banned marriage of people with Epilepsy? How do you both feel about that? 

“With epilepsy being still seen with many stigmas, we all must share instances like that over 40 years ago in the USA a person with seizures were unable to get married and also to legally deny many to come into public places like restaurants and theaters. 
My wife says “With locking in love, being unable to connect because of indecisive thoughts of a person is not right.” We are behind in releasing and teaching the real opinion of what epilepsy is and how we teach to handle stopping the seizures. 
Choices for people in life and the way they live with epilepsy needs to expand and not be limited or held back of any important information.” 

7. What message would you have to send to the world if you could?

“Through looking, seeing, hearing and being a person with uncontrolled seizures, I feel that more of what is known and can be, and needs to open for all life productivity.”
Many of us that know Jacob are used to seeing him either in Epilepsy support groups helping people out or busy networking and talking it up about the movement to legalize in his state, Texas.  While some are typing away, Jacob is often on the phone and going to events to show face – he’s shared with me his feelings about how important it is to be involved in the community. One thing is for sure, he’s definitely involved in the online community in the world of Epilepsy – if you’re into the world of awareness then you’ve seen his smile and read his words of peace and love!
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